For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you game me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me. (Matthew 25:35)
Listed below are just three of the many ways that Mary, Queen of Martyr's assists the Plymouth and surrounding communities with ensuring that both individuals and families have enough to eat and that their health and well-being are not jeopardized due to lack of food.
"May our presence and care to those most in need reflect the gentleness, esteem and dignity we see reflected in the life and work of Jesus.”- St. Vincent De Paul
(Food Pantry at St. Peter's Parish Center)
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at MQOM assists members of the Plymouth and neighboring communities in need. Our pantry services anywhere between 20-40 neighbors each week. Neighbors receive not only canned goods, but frozen meats and vegetables, cereals, packaged goods, and eggs and cheese. And our neighbors can choose what they want to provide a balance diet for their families for the week. We welcome any one from MQOM Parish Community who is need.
All funds collected go directly to the families in need. Cost of food has almost tripled from last year and sadly, more and more families are coming to the pantry in need of help each week.
Collection boxes for financial donations are located inside the church at exit doors both upstairs and our downstairs chapel. Food items are also collected at the church and transferred to our office pantry. Financial donations may also be sent to the parish office. Please make checks payable to the "Society of St. Vincent de Paul."
We welcome donations of food goods from the MQOM and surrounding communities. If you have a large donation, please let us know by emailing [email protected].
We are in need of pasta sauce, hearty soups, cream soups, mayo, ground coffee, vegetable oil, pop tarts, frosted flakes, cheerios, instant mashed potatoes, canned peaches, and any juice.
Donations may be dropped off at St. Peter's Parish Center or at the Church.
(Please help us process donations quickly by checking expiration dates before dropping off.)
Join the St Vincent mission! We welcome anyone who would like to volunteer. For more information, please fill out a volunteer form and email [email protected].
Or you may, contact St. Peter's Parish Office at 508-746-0663.
Serves needy families in the West Plymouth area by providing food on an emergency basis. The Food Pantry also sponsors food drives at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, and coordinates the Giving Tree program which provides holiday gifts for the needy at Christmas.
The Food Pantry is always in need of any non-perishable food items such as canned soups, pasta and sauce products, baking goods, cereals, canned tuna or chicken, boxed meals, such as Hamburger and Tuna Helpers, canned vegetable and canned fruit and fruit juice. Liquid dish detergent, Kleenex, paper towels, toilet paper and cleaning products are very much needed. Personal hygiene products, such as deodorant, body wash/soap and shampoos and staples in every household and always appreciated!
We now have a food donation box in the function hall by the office doorway. You may put your food donations in this box during office hours or after the weekend Masses.
On the third Tuesday of each month, we receive a large order of food delivered from the Boston Food Bank. this delivery is generally about 3,000 lbs. Our staff is older and unloading this number of products is difficult and we can always use help.
Please consider taking an hour of your time to come by the church around 8:30 AM that day to help unload.
For more information, please contact St. Kateri Parish Office at 508-747-1568 orCLICK HERE FOR VOLUNTEER FORM
St. Peter’s Kitchen: St. Peter's provides a healthful and hearty luncheon every Sunday to anyone in need of a good meal and Christian fellowship.
For more information, please contact St. Peter's Parish Office at 508-746-0663 or